Town Council Crest
Minutes of the Ingleby Barwick Personnel Committee Meeting
Held at 6.00PM THURSDAY 26TH MAY 2022

Present: Cllr Watson (Chairman), Cllrs Fryer, Rutland and Turnbull.

In Attendance: J McGeeney, Town Clerk.

  1. Housekeeping: The Chairman advised those present of the emergency escape procedures. It was requested that mobile phones be switched to silent. If a call was received and had to be taken Members were politely requested to leave the room.

  2. Apologies for absence: None

  3. Declarations of Interest: None

  4. Exclusion of the press and public during consideration of the following item(s) of business – Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item(s) of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

  5. Youth Leader/Youth Support Assistant - Consideration was given to four applications which had been received for the roles of Youth Leader and Youth Support Assistant.

  6. Youth Provision – The Clerk highlighted that Corner House Youth Project had recently commenced youth work sessions on a fortnightly basis at the Hub. This was an established group which had previously been held at the Ingleby Barwick Community Hall. This was a funded project. It had been suggested that the Town Council could fund the remaining six months in lieu of appointing its own youth staff. Members felt that this was the preferable option. RECOMMENDED that the youth work sessions provided by Corner House be considered by full Town Council.

  7. Town Clerk – Contractual Arrangements - The Town Clerk submitted an updated contract which incorporated the role of Community Hub Manager. It was identified that the Town Clerk had not received annual increments since undertaking the role. Increments were due on 1st June 2021, 1st April 22. Incremental Payments were to implemented and backdated to the relevant dates.

    In order to assist the Town Clerk manage her contractual hours it was suggested that in respect of Community Hub inductions a crib sheet be produced and Town Councillors be asked to undertake inductions with prospective hirers where possible. It was also suggested that the Town Clerk need not attend all meetings of the Town Council’s committees. Committee meetings would be recorded and minutes undertaken by Town Councillors and typed up by the Administration Assistant. It was PROPOSED to trial these methods for a three month period.

  8. Date of next meeting - To be arranged.

The meeting ended at 7.05pm

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